
Complete Return To Learn (RTL) Educational Resources

Being educators ourselves, we know what educational materials are needed for your classroom teachers and related service providers
Return to LEARN is the purview of the educator

  • Introduction to the TACT

  • The three common effects of cognitive inefficiency in the classroom
  • What to do when the concussion does not resolve within 4 weeks?

  • Lessons for the classroom teacher

  • Lessons for the related service provider

Teacher Acute Concussion Tool

  • Train your classroom teachers how to handle “cognitive inefficiencies” in the classroom in “real-time” – when they get notified of a student in their classroom returning post-concussion  – NO advanced or “face-to-face” training needed

  • Tier 1 – for the Classroom Teacher

  • Tier 2 – for the Related Service Provider

Maximizing access to learning is what schools already do with the Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS) or Response to Intervention (RTI). Use your school’s existing system of MTSS or RTI to support your students as they return to learn after a concussion.