Is Your State Schooled on Concussions?

If you are an educator working in a public, private or charter school within any of the 10 states highlighted on the map below, the Teacher Acute Concussion Tool (TACT) is already in your state.

Click on your state to locate the organization providing this resource subscription to schools within your state. Your state’s organization will then send you the required link and password access. You must use your school email address when registering. Reach out to for help with implementation of the TACT in your district/school.

If you are an educator in a state without a subscription plan, contact us now to find out how easy it is to obtain these resources for your school.

Headshot of Maria Crowley, NASHIA

“Get Schooled on Concussions (GSOC) materials have been a true life-saver for schools in our state. Alabama has utilized these resources to equip educators with knowledge necessary to manage concussions in the classroom with confidence. The TACT has been well received as well, and we believe will be a real game changer. Educators can complete the tool and receive the customized concussion information they need quickly and accurately when they need it. It’s a win-win for us!”

Maria Crowley, NASHIA

Headshot of Toni Grishman, JeffCo Public Schools

“Get Schooled on Concussions (GSOC) has been able to provide individualized teacher support through weekly emails with information that reflects best practice in current guidelines. The 1 page tip sheets are easy to read with great graphic reminders for all school staff. Through GSOC, we are able to observe our teachers accessing the most up to date information, and use this data to continue to support students who have been impacted.”

Toni Grishman, JeffCo Public Schools

BIAIA Logo for Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa

“Working with Get Schooled on Concussions (GSOC) has provided Iowans with an opportunity to access relevant and reliable information to support concussion management. Materials support individualized planning for students as they return to the classroom. The materials are available for teachers at the time they need it, protecting their valuable time.”

Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa